After the Snowmageddon

Hey! After being completely shut down for an entire week after receiving several inches of snow and very cold temps here in the deep south, I'm enjoying mid 70 degree temps while also doing damage assessment in the garden. Some things I feel confident in cutting back and cleaning up, but with some of my plants, I'm going to need to take the approach of wait and see if it's dead or alive. Also, there is a good chance that we could get another freeze before Spring arrives, so I don't want to get too ahead of myself. In the meantime, I've been planting my tomato and pepper seeds inside my house under grow lights and all is growing well. You've gotta be ahead of the game here in Louisiana before the heat and humidity and bugs arrive. Here's some pics of my tomatoes and peppers in progress-
As you can see in the pic above, takeout containers make great seed starters. I keep the lid closed until the seeds grow to about 1 inch tall and the lids on these particular containers have little holes which allows for some venting. Just make sure you make drainage holes in the bottom.------------------------------------------------- In this next pic, I've already picked out my seedlings, which were about 4 to every 4 inch pot and potted them individually into their own pots and am currently hardening them off. Mama is gonna have lots of tomatoes and peppers!! I'll probably share some too.
Also, my seed order from Baker Creek seed catalog arrived, so I'm going to be planting up a bunch of seeds and sticking them in my greenhouse with fingers crossed that they do okay in there. I used to set up tables in my house to start seeds, but with two very curious and destructive puppies, that is pretty much impossible right now. The greenhouse can get a little moist, so it's not the best place for starting seeds. I may need to get a fan set up in there to see if that helps. It's a great place to put my tropicals and anything else I'm worried about when frost or freeze is in the forecast though. If you use a hoophouse in a humid area, I'd love to hear your ideas on the matter. Okay, I think that's it for now. I'll be back next week-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peace and Plant Flowers----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michelle------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reminder that you can also find me on substack at and


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